Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sanskrit quotation

I had Sanskrit in school (from Class 5 to 8th) as an additional language. We were taught a lot of quotations during the course. One such quotes I remember very clearly is below, which is fairly simple if you understand Hindi:

अल्सस्य कुथो विद्या
अविध्य्स्य कुथो धनं
अधन्स्य कुथो मित्रं
अमित्र्स्य कुथो सुखं

You cannot acquire education, if lazy.

If you have no education, there would be no wealth,

If there is no wealth, you will not have any friends,

If you have no friends, you will have no happiness

I just randomly happened to remember it!


dharmabum said...

hey, did u go to a KV? i did, and i leart sanskrit, and i remember this verse too. and quite a few others for that matter.

Meg said...

ICSE - St Anns - Secbad :)