Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A guilt-free working Mommy

I know I am supposed to feel guilty. I work full time from home. I have 2 kids, I dont "dedicate" myself completely to them, instead share the work load of the house with P and hire a full time Nanny. Guess what I dont feel guilty a tiny bit for doing this. My girls are my priority. I love them. My family of course COMES FIRST. But that does not mean I have to give up my career. Hey my attitude is if I should be able to manage, and more than able to manage, manage WELL. If not its not worth it. And we have no complaints so far. I always told P that I want to try managing both career and kids and home. If I cant well I know what my priorities are and I will gladly choose family over career. But without trying I will never decide it. I know many people even today give up their career for kids. I respect that. That is their choice. I dont think they are being better mothers just by staying home and I dont think working mothers are being bad mothers just cos they also choose to work. Yes I agree its hard, a lot of juggling and super busy lifestyle. But its a personal choice. Even some mothers who stay home not necessarily are able to devote quality time due to exhaustion and routine-boredom. In my case if and if I ever feel its getting too much and I am missing my girls I will quit that very moment.

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