Monday, July 30, 2012

This and that...

Not sure why it took me this long for the next post. But its just been a good summer with the parents ofcourse.

Firstly AL recovered, feels much better - Thank Goodness. The girls want to be home with the Gparents all the time and not goto daycare. Very happy for that. But downside is the drop offs are that much harder now. But they still do go most days and stay home a couple of days a week. Its been a pretty warm summer, no complaints. Beach - check. Blue Berry Farms - check. My in-law's family friends home visit - check. Stroll in downtown this weeked - check. Lazed at home doing nothing but watching the Olymics Saturday- check. So a good mix of activities.

Downtown stroll particularly was pretty good and relaxing on Sunday. Weather was awesome. We took a nice long stroll after lunch. I am glad we skipped the Children's Museum - the indoor play areas are good for winters, why get stuck indoors again. Although its a very good place for kids. The girls enjoyed the stroll and AG and AL both walked a lot with us looking around and having fun munching on a few gold fish :-) Simple pleasures I tell ya...!

Friday was Varalakshmi vratham. Its my 8th vratham, wow time flies. This is something practised at my husband's side and I picked it up after marriage from my MIL. Couldnt help but think of her and say a silent prayer for her enthusiasm in various poojas. My first one after marriage was guided by her, since it was the very next next day after our Wedding day in August. The next one being in 2007 when she was in US. In 2011 the girls wore those mini saris and she totally loved it and had so many comments and thoughts to share on the girls. She always appreciated that at the time of poojas and traditional ceremonies I always ensure to appear completely dress appropriately in sari etc. She complimented me that it was beautiful to see 3 of us ladies in sarees which even people in India dont wear any more to perform a pooja even once a year. The wedding year and 2007 we celebrated many festivals together and after that the very last and major pooja she participated which I am glad to be present for was Kailasha Gauri Vratham. Which was quite the coincidenece as we were to leave India to go back to the US and our flights got postponed due to snow storms as if to just attend the pooja. Some things are just meant to be. I was there through out with her in Dec 2010 roughly a year before she passed away. And was the scariest part to watch her not complain but know she is not ok physically but just getting through it with just her will power. Just her will power.

So this year we had a simple one with AL and AG all curious with all pooja items and AG wanted to dress in a sari like me. AL refused to and she was happy splashing and sprinkling stuff around. This is the third consecutiive with my mother around so that's great!

July 27th was my birthday per the Hindu calendar so with the pooja etc didnt do much but good to have the whole family around. The girls are 2 years and 2 months :)

Monday, July 16, 2012


It was a tough weekend - AL suffering from cold and fever was another but not eating for almost 48 hours and I mean NOTHING not even a bite just few ounces milk and some Pedialyte and then seeing her tremble with weakness and just lay there closing her eyes with no strength totally killed me. ..Plus the nagging cough and cold that mom and I got, Mom's being worse.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


My darling AG has been down past whole week. Her pretty and naughty doe eyes got so dull. She had a low grade fever and cold and now she has some cough and cold left and she is unable to eat, poor baby! AL has taken a turn in behavior not sure if there is more to come, but she played the 'naughty one' past week and kept us on our toes.

Past week being the July 4th week I ended up working from home couple of days here and there and was pretty quiet. We saw the fireworks in Waltham too and did do much over the weekend just lazed with couple of friends who came over to watch Wimbledon.

So AL caught the bug now and is running high temperature, not eating and has a bad congestion and cough. Its that time again what we parents dread the most! My mom, then me and now my Dad caught it too I think. But we just have strep throats and slight temperature. Took half the day off yesterday and girls were home and took AG to day-care today as I head home. All of us are kind of sleep deprived from last night.

Still struggling with the whole house move decision, back to rental property hunting and nothing is to our liking, what is it with these homes or us? :-)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Its July 2012

The weekend flew past, warm and busy and typical. On weekends we always try to keep a flexible schedule with kids and us. After a fairly strict routine we follow weekdays (now less strict with parents around ;)) we try to take it a little easy. We did the mall and the usual drives here and there. Including a short time out Friday night with friends after Aadu and Aani went to bed. We were fairly confident kids would sleep through for the hour or two and that they did. Parents visited Mohegan Sun and they had a good time.

One of the things about having twins and in case of our twins is every day is different, some are more challenging and some are smooth. But like all parents we get through it. Most of us love our homes, kids, jobs and all of us have our way to manage it because we all love what we do, in fact this whole generation is like that I think, as we got more nuclear we managed it all, so somehow it doesn't seem like a big deal. In fact even for moms in the US who have no domestic help, no kitchen help and naughty twins in my case does not seem like a big deal ;) That's what I was telling a friend of mine who is planning to have kids soon and is nervous as she thinks she lacks patience. Some people are always complaining and negative that its so tough to manage kids/work etc others feel they are the best and they do it all and everything correctly like they are the only ones to ever have had a job/kids and manage a household - both versions are complete BS according to me as they both still manage and get through the highs and lows. It is important that you want to have kids and for the right reasons. The rest will fall into place if you have common sense.

You cannot expect life to not change once you have kids, if someone tells you it has not that it BS too and how it changes is what you need to have a good estimate of as it can vary person to person. You just have to give in your best :-)