Thursday, February 19, 2009


I am usually a patient person with Telemarketers and Market Researchers. I did a part time job as the latter when studying in New Zealand. Need I say more. Though Telemarketers can get more troublesome since they are trying to sell something. Life of a Market Researcher is not too bad. Other than that the surverys can get a bit too long and you get grumpy people every now and then.
Its been a week now and this Indian Telemarketer from Global Tele link services has been harassing me to buy their calling card/service for long distance calls. He called me on a weekday and I asked him to call back on a weekend. At that point I wasnt sure if he was trying to sell me something or take a survey. When he called back I patiently heard him and politely explained I will not be interested as I am happy with my provider now and even if this new service is cheaper I simply cannot bother. His tone changed he wasnt convinced with my response he says For x amount of dollars you are getting 500 minutes what else do you want? And I should try his service simulatenously with the service I am using and I can switch if I like completely later. Thats it I couldnt take it I said thats my decision and choice and I dont want his service. If at a later point I want to change I will surely visit their website and try it. Thank you and I hung up. He still kept calling me twice after that and I was bugged - that guy dosent get it?
Another person from that same company called 2 days back and I let it out on him that they are 'harassing' me at odd times - such as 9:30pm. I hate when I get calls after 8pm or so. And if I do get a late call I really get worried especially if its a number from India that pops up. With your whole family and friends in another country its uncomfortable and uneasy. And that follows by a night without sleep, I am light sleeper and that worry would have usually driven most of my sleep.
Today I received the call from the original guy again and I said I wanted to talk to his supervisor or Manager and dude just hung up!

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