Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ah! about that vege thing again!

Whenever I dont carry lunch I eat at the Company's cafeteria. The reason I specially mention 'cafeteria' is because the location of the office is in a isolated part of the town. Well kind of. Waltham, where I live is much more busier, here in Concord its right next to Minuteman Park and the Air force and civil airport and then there are small farms around, so no fast food joints are that close by, to buy lunch outside, which is of course a blessing in disguise. That is the reason the cafeteria is well established and stocked with food, I dont see anyone going out for lunch. The main thing I wanted to focus on was the cook, Steve. He is one sweetheart. I told him I am a vegetarian. And he curiously asked all the details. I was honest with him, that when I was young it was a religious thing that my family followed, but once I grew up it was by choice and I do not eat or desire to eat it. And it took him by surprise a little, but he quickly promised me to cook anything vege if I give him few hours notice, like around breakfast time. How sweet is that. I havent made use of that offer so far in these 3-4 weeks and I enjoy his veggie sub which I have had once, every week for the past 3 weeks. Today the person in front of me had ordered some meat sub, every possible slice of meat went into it. I couldnt somehow imagine eating if my veggie sub were made on that same wooden platform in front of me. But Steve being Steve, offered to wipe it with sanitizer, changed his gloves, used a new knife to make me my sub. He was so sweet and thorough.
Sometimes strangers are more considerate than so called aquaintances. We have been invited for dinners once or twice and people did not bother cooking anything vegetarian despite knowing that we are vegetarians. Like my other vege friend D puts it. They make meat curries and one dal - and the vegetarian person is just suppose to eat dal with rice alone is it? its insulting! :)


seashell said...

Hey, I happened to stop by after a very long time. I am at work and waiting for a time consuming process to finish so that I can get some work done. Congratulations on the job! I interviewed at PTC in concord years ago. I have a feeling that you are in the same office park...

Meg said...

Hi - Thanks :) What/Where is PTC? I am on Virginia Road right beside the runway for the airforce base....