So the girls are 19 months old and they are into their 20th month. The last 2 months just flew past. AL is being a chatter box as I have mentioned several times before and she repeats everything and says her friends names from school (so does AG actually) :-) Both of them are identifying and inform us when they 'potty' (I know a mini miracle I tell you!)
AG is going through a tantrum phase right now (something AL went through weeks ago) she craves for attention and is being stubborn, she wakes up at nights (teething) and the usual saga :-)
They had their 18 months vaccinations and they are all set until about 4 (annual checkups are needed of course). They did so much better with the doc this time round, smiled at her, played with her stethoscope, and the cow that flashes light and says moo :-)
So doc was asking us on the feeding patterns etc of AG and AL. I inquired if I am supposed to supplement them with Pediasure. And she was against it. I was surprised I told her that these kids like all others have their ups and downs and downs are pretty bad especially since we dont force feed. More cos we realized that when you force feed them they develop an aversion to eating and then they dont ask for food on their own as they are supposed to per normal instincts, cos they are always force fed right on time, atleast that's how we feel it impacts our girls and our Pediatrician explained to us which I feel is true. So coming back to Pediasure, Doc explained its a critical age as now they learn to chew and eat on their own, the moment they dont eat and you give them Pediasure it will take them a step backwards, rely on liquid/pasty diet more, cos its an easy and tasty/SUGARY option. Yep, she totally said they did not need that kinda sugar at this age. Even though they dont have juices, they can still stay away from Pediasure. So hence we have not one through the Pediasure route.
We had friends come over and stay with us so time just flew this long weekend. Went to Wrentham outlet mall accompanying my friend also. While chatting with SC I realized that everybody does their best as a parent, with the given resources, energy, circumstances. You just cannot say one is being a better mother than another (in an average working household of this generation obviously where in abuse and other extreme things dont come to play lets assume). Saying that the approach also of every parent is different, some go by the book and follow the very 'western' way, some the 'Indian way' if you really want to typecast it and most of us a hybrid, but everyone has their own style. At the same time one has no right to comment on others parenting skills, One could rather rather focus that energy on own parenting skills, cos I am sure other mothers if the really want to could also find what you could improve on (general observation SC and I made together). But why must one even get into that? If you want to ruin or end you relationship with that person then best way is to comment on others parenting or others kids, no one ever takes those lightly ....
Whether the different feeding patterns or sleep patterns or different bath times, everyone's prioritization and approach differs. One thing I told myself right from start that I will never be feeling guilty as a mother. I will always give in my best to them. Period. I might be tired one day and just make them an omelette and serve with bread, OR I might skip their bath if we all are not up for it, they are too sleepy etc but I will not be guilty of that nor made to feel guilty about it. If I later feel I should not have done something or done something very differently I will take ownership to that and not repeat it again (and of course I confess in my personal blog to them.) Kids come first in my life, but, I dont want to be a martyr and then blow my trumpet how much I sacrificed for them and what they do for me in return will never be enough. Yes we cant repeat some of those awful situations we see and hear. But that's my take.
On that note, everyone asks me how I manage with twins. They are either sympathetic cos they think one kid is itself a lot of work or others slightly pity that they have it so much better with kids spaced out and planned. Thanks, but...... I manage pretty much like everyone else and I dont feel I am doing anything out of the ordinary or that I am just doing very less in comparison to others either, again there cannot be a direct comparison though. Women in their late 20s early 30s will find that its a busy time for us, we are mostly working mothers with young kids, who run a house, most of us cook twice a day, like to take up most of the kids responsibilities or divide with husband however it works in each household, we ALL get through it. Period. We all manage in our own way and cheers to that.
And now this very last week of this year, the clock ticks slowly, as we get into 2012.
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