Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Has been tough past 2 days. P was sick over the weekend and getting better now. Kids were a bit under the weather as well with cold and runny noses and cough, but ok over all and have almost recovered. Thanks to all the natural remedies available. Now it has hit me, mild fever and cold. Big Boss is here from Germany so planning to show my face for the core hours this week anyway. We had to view some homes to move into after the lease expires over the weekend so all of us got exposed to some cold which has struck as basically. Luckily the long weekend helped. And its already Wednesday.

Been doing a lot of online shopping. Loving Zulily for the kids although the 2 week wait for shipping is painful and its improving, you almost forget you shopped and you have a surprise package in the mail which all 3 girls dig into and enjoy. Elmo shirts were a big hit. Top quality branded and pretty stuff.

Glad that Apprentice has started, needed a major distraction that I have  been missing well at least since Facebook has become even more boring, the usual/boring updates..

We have been really not eating out as much for some reason. Earlier couple of days a week at least we ate out. Nowadays relishing every meal I cook and not even wanting to take a break from home food and when we do like yesterday dont enjoy it as much. On that note. Craving for some nice Peppery/Garlicky Saaru which I have to make after going home.

Nugget for this week: Pettiness prevails where there is some sort of insecurity.

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