I have a blog like everyone else to express my thoughts, my opinions, my experiences and just rant. In general its a tough task to write in public as its open for misinterpretations. You dont know the tone and mood of the person writing it and it sometimes opens up can of worms especially when you have certain image already of the person in your head. This happens to everyone. I somehow do not like to write as much about the happy moments and close family and close friends as I am too scared I can get jinxed and fear of attracting negativity. That's just me. I kinda use the blog to vent and think out loud mostly. Probably that's why I dont generally publish my blog anywhere, if someone stumbles upon it well and good.
For example I realized that if someone read my blog its so easy to misinterpret like I don't understand or follow some Hindu traditions and customs. On the contrary it will be surprising to that I am more traditional than my own mother and husband. Yes there I say it out aloud ;) :-) What I jot down in my blog is some conflicts I experience in how people present certain customs and rituals to you and then they judge you on various grounds. To me I rather perform some ceremonies thoroughly whatever I can than incomplete and not have to worry about what people will think about you all the time. I can write a lot about it but the latter I strongly feel for, but I rest my case here. Not that its needs any explaining but as an example that's why we didn't even venture out for my Grandfather's and Mother in law's monthly ceremonies here in Boston area for lack of good infrastructure, reliable priest and inability to conduct the complete rituals start to finish. My Gfather's second anniversary one was a compromise but my Dad did it nevertheless that was his call.
With that its a reminder that in a month we have a trip to make back home for the annual ceremony as that is all we prioritized. Does time fly way too fast when you are in US than India? I always feel weekdays go by faster here ;) I am so nervous about this 3 day trip I am making sounds so not practical yet its all I can do! I just want to be there for every reason to be part of the rituals and bid P's mother adieu. I was talking to someone who was in same position as me and missed her Father in law's first annual ceremony she felt even bad when she heard I could go for 3 days, as she couldn't get vacation for a week. I asked her not to feel bad we all do our best and try and plan certain things happen for some it works out for others it dosent sometimes things dont go our way as much as we would like it to.