Thursday, November 8, 2012

To WI and back

Had a productive work trip to Waupaca, WI. My only concern was getting stuck at airport due to unpredictable weather. I flew via Chicago the onward flight was delayed a little bit but still made it on time, was a good hour drive form there due to lousy weather. I got back really late last night around 2am as I chose to come home rather than take an early flight next day as I wanted to be home morning when kids wake up plus had an early training session, which I just made it, so luckily no weather issue delays. There was a fresh layer of snow I had to deal with on my car as I left the car at the airport and couldnt find closed parking previous day and had to leave it on the top open floor.

AG this mornign was excited with snow in accmulated in the balcony. AL narrated about her getting a boo boo and she falling in the parking lot (which happened a few weeks back). They dream so much I think nowadays the first thing they wake up is narrate stuff to me like it just happened. About some kid or animals or some fire trucks, fire alarms, boo-boos and so on. Simple dreams that they weave from the characters and situations occuring in their small but rapidly growing and pure world :-)

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