Wednesday, May 6, 2009

These spring days....

Its May! Its a wet spring. Kind of a relief to DH's seasonal allergies. 2 weekends ago it was nice and warm and perfect spring weather and thats when he caught his allergies. After that until yesterday when he went to see the doctor he has been in a real bad state. 12-14 hour work days everyday and Hay fever, horrible combination, I dont know how he manages without complaining even once. He is not enjoying food as he should be and has lost some weight even. sigh! But that's just him patience personified with hardly or no mood swings at all that he shows. My pillar of strength. And I am glad its rubbing on to me.
Havent been able to take parents out much just yet due to reasons above - weather and husband. But they are relaxing at home, I am glad they are getting some rest. My mom is a restless soul and she used to never stay home while in India - every single day she would go out for some small shopping, or chase the tailor, maid or dhobi and somehow keep herself busy and occupied. My dad and mom are hooked on to some puzzle books I luckily had at home. My dad is so hooked on to Sudoku since last couple of years and to see this big book of Sudoku, he is excited to solve it. And ditto for my mom - difference being a words puzzle book is keeping her very busy. June is going to be a busy month for all of us. Travel and sightseeing!

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