Sunday, October 23, 2011

Back to sickies

So while I hoped for a sickness free month at least cos I was starting a new job. AL had one last weekend. Friends from CT had come over for the weekend. It was fun but AL's viral again threw us off our routines. She stayed home for few days before she joined her sister at daycare. We had another set of friends visit us this weekend and AG is running a fever. They had their follow up flu shots on Friday. But this could be either effect of that or another viral. Hopefully it goes away tomorrow and its a one off due to the shots or we have to take her to the doc's. This is the world of parenting twins who goto daycare, its wild but well worth it.

So majorly sleep deprived. Sleep is so underrated I tell you :-) Ask parents of infants and toddlers. ;) I think by the time they grow up and we get our sleep routines back, our age will not let us sleep as we used to. I can see that happening already. I could stay up all night and just sleep early morning till late afternoon,or rather any time to catch up lost sleep. Now that 'anytime' thing doesnt work. I shouldnt blame the age though. Its the responsibilities undertaken by choice mostly. No complaints, the early morning giggles and hugs and nose rubs (kisses in kiwiana-like :)) more than compensate the off-schedules and sleepless nights. For a person who had good 8 hours sleep and never did housework until marriage like most of us probably, this is a 360 degree spin. Tremendous respect for self and awe for this mystical journey undertaken- parenthood!

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