Finally its started snowing, just a couple ofinches last night and its b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! Absolutely stunning, I think we are expecting more this Saturday. Beauty of New England are the 4 clear seasons. I remember when driving up to Concord (pregnant) while working there, there were more trees around and it used to breathtakingly beautiful to drive to work with my 2 babies although too scary to walk down from car to the door at work and vice versa.
Its going to be 3 months already with my new employer, wow! time flies!
A nugget for today: I have learnt from some people (at work) that if you cannot show respect towards someone, you do not have to disrespect them either. A lot of times for whatever reason you cannot get along with a colleague, (sometimes there is no reason), that does not mean you have to disrespect them. You can keep your calm and silence and maintain a pleasent working environment for everyone. This applies to personal relationships also.
And since a couple of weeks my beauties have started singing. There is a song I made up based on one of those toys they have, basically extended itwith lyrics and she has picked it up. AL hums and has her own tune 'ta ta ta ta' she goes before she falls asleep. I was up this mornign working and I hear a baby talk, talk a lot in sentences, couldnt here but there was clarity like he/she was saying something, I though its that child oppsite to our hosue talking and only to realize it came from my own home, next room, AL chatting away to AG and her Dad that how Amma will come in now open the door etc etc. Precious Precious...One strange thing is I met someone at work today who has twin girls same age as mine, born a day before AL/AG did - freakish coincidence, we exchanged some notes and laughed about it.
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