Finally had to goto the Doc today and apparently I need the antibiotic. I have some sinus infection issues and a nagging cough, I get these bouts I had to actually cut my meeting short today for that and head home to get an appt with the doc. Apparently we are not exposed to all the possible cold and cough viruses yet, Thanks to A&A and the daycare germs :-)
Its strange its my 5th or 6th sore throat incident since they started daycare. Of which this is the second time I am actually having to see a doc for it to get an antibiotic. Hmm so much for my immunity?
Ladies have been acting up a lot lately what 'terrible twos' have in store I know not ;) AG wants everything done according to her whims and fancies, leg warmers, outfits, food (she wants rice with ghee and nothing else) and wants to eat on her own, then she is obsessed with kolaveri and wheels on the bus and demands it plays nonstop if not she throws a fit. And her obsession with shoes (it runs in the family, blame the genes, dad/mom/my mom/my mom's dad, we have been obsessed with shoes and I can see how well its passing on the next Gen.) she chooses everything now pretty much what she wants to wear, eat etc. AL is a picky eater and she just repeats what I say end of story, its like we are playing this game of repeat and annoy your mom game ;) lol They have mastered the art of sayin NO and saying ALL DONE, so its been used mercilessly and just about on anything and everything. AL is showing interest in errrr boys ;) she seems to be particularly liking this blond blue eyed boy named Issac and then he moved to another class for whatever reason and now its Mason. Hmmm AG is very desi ;) her food tastes, her looks, her interest, she just seems to repeat Aarav since they met him couple of weeks back. LOL
And yes AL talks a lot more and is rolling her RRRRRs - Dad said something was karam please dont eat it, and the parrot kept saying kaaram, kaaram, kaarrram. Until now it wasnt evident at all although my BFF mentioned over the phone she could hear her chatter and it seemed to have teh American accent, I refuse dto believe her how a baby talk/blabber could have an accent this was 1 month back exactly...
So this week has been tough because of my cold and cough and generally felt too exhausted. Hopefully it subsides with medication soon and I am back to my complete/real self...
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