Thursday, January 17, 2008

I am Bourbonette!

I miss Bourbon biscuits. However I don't eat them as I used to back home (It is available in India stores). I thought Oreo could be a good substitute. But Oreo has its place and so does Bourbon. I thought its worth dedicating a post in the blog to my dearest and favorite cookie, which reminds me of home and childhood days.

BTW I googled Bourbon and guess what I found on BBC website:

Bourbon Biscuits The chocolate bourbon cream is the single most perfect object known to man. Such is the enthusiasm for bourbons that new words have been invented to describe fans of the biscuit, such as:
  • Bourboneers - a group of bourbon eaters
  • Bourber - a bourbon eater (masculine)
  • Bourbonette - a bourbon eater (feminine)

For the benefit of those outside the bourbon distribution area, a bourbon cream is two rectangular biscuits roughly 3cm x 6cm, and 5mm in depth, on either side of an oval of chocolate goo which never spills out from the sides of the biscuit1. This chocolate invention has created many schools of thought depending on the personality of the consumer. For example:

How to Eat a Chocolate Bourbon Cream

The Traditional Method

Some gorge on the bourbon in the same way you would eat, say, a digestive, though some bourbers would argue this demotes the bourbon to mere 'everyday biscuit' status and labels it fit only for dunking purposes.

Scrape Method

  • First, the top biscuit is removed and eaten whole. The body thinks, 'Okay, a chocolate bourbon biscuit without goo.'

  • The body therefore releases its own sugar rush to compensate.

  • Imagine the body's surprise when the bourber scrapes the goo with his/her bottom teeth.

  • The double rush of chocolate renders the scrape-style bourbon eater in chocolate heaven.

  • Once this rush is achieved the scraper will never go back to the traditional way of bourbatious mastication.

  • The increased glucose in the body seriously hampers said person for life for more details - Die hard fans some of them! :)

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