Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 4 th weekend etc.

As if travelling on work isn't enough. I am also travelling to meet friends :) Not a complaint exactly. Had loads of fun this long weekend. Flew into Newark where P came to pick me up and we drove to Wilmington, DE to a friends' place. They were having a pooja at home and the whole gang gathered as usual. Long chats (and being silly), music and dance, BBQ in the park and non stop eating and playing cards all night long would summarize the weekend :) The kids population in our gatherings is on the rise (sigh! I am growing old eh?) The highlight was that we played dumcharades (not sure if thats how its spelt) after a very long time and it was lot of fun and yes it ended in a (friendly) argument, as it usually does (drilling down into some rules of the game ;)
I haven't been a very athletic kid and to be honest my stamina is poor (people who know me will vouch for that). But after looking at some of my friends (well they are few years older to me and thats why all the more ...) I really want to be indefatigable like them. They cooked all night after dancing (marination for BBQ food; I tell you it can be pretty strenous) :) ; hardly slept and organized the whole BBQ and completed the BBQ-ing (standing all day). After coming back home after dinner continously played cards - Phew! Sometimes I wish I could store energy; like a camel stores water :) catch up later with all my sleep after 2-3 days of merrymaking - sigh! I get so cranky without food and sleep ....
Also managed to stop at Oaktree Rd this time on the way back to Newark airport. Hogged Pau Bhaji (the Galaxy guys never disappoint me with Pau Bhaji) and cut mirchi and ended with the meetha paan.
Another thing however small I finally accept is no matter how expensive your shoes are - (good brand/good quality etc I mean) they might still end up giving you a shoe bite! :)
Finally back in Toronto Sunday night and it took me 2 whole days to catch up with all my emails - backlog leads to more backlog - trying to catch up with old emails and you end up not answering the latest.....

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