Tuesday, August 25, 2009


At work today I was going to warm my lunch in the microwave and as soon as I opened the microwave it smelled of some meat dish. It really upset me. Somehow the smell of cooked meat (not just sea food) is something I cannot take. In New Zealand I had quit warming my food in the microwave because of this but the advantage was my mom cooked fresh lunch in the morning to take it to work. And it wasn’t that cold to have it in matter of 3-4 hours (8am – 12pm). But I am not like my mother in that aspect. I prefer finishing all my cooking at night if it’s a working day the following day, heck I even have to have my breakfast ready. Anyway that means I have to pack lunch after dinner and keep it in the refrigerator all ready and packed for next day morning (only then can I sleep peacefully). That also means my food is really cold and I have to use a microwave next day to consume it for lunch. But today the ‘stink’ if I may say, was really bad, and the thought of that smelly ‘meat’ fumes settling on my vegetarian home made food is simply yuck and unappetizing. I am not saying nobody should eat meat just cos I don’t, to each his own, but I just don’t want it interfering with my food.

Wish I could have a separate microwave for vegetarians only……..

Maybe I should carry my own MW cover?

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