Monday, December 17, 2012

Thanksgiving and India trip...

So we made a last minute trip for Thanksgiving to Delaware our hang out place. Time just flew. The best-est part was kids all playing together. From running behind them so they don’t topple and fall or fight from previous trips, this trip they played a lot, so much that they actually got exhausted and AL also had a mild fever by the time we got home for 2-3 days which is another topic in itself. We had a girls night out for dinner, parents also had a good change and relaxed weekend overall. This was the 4th time we met our friends to hang out like this for long weekend this year. Its wonderful and hoping the kids grow up to be good friends like parents. It was MILs birthday during thanksgiving and the actual date when she left us last month. Time flies.  For P’s sake I am glad he was keeping busy ….
So AL fell sick and dropped a couple of pounds, like she has any to lose ;)? Well she generally stops eating when she is unwell and we are getting used to it now although we don’t encourage it obviously. These two have caught all the possible bugs and fevers they could possibly do.  J
Took a day off to do daycare hunting – 5 daycares in a single day in Westford exhausting but worth it. Made up my mind and Review post to follow.
Our 3rd trip in 3 years to India for MIL’s first anniversary ceremony: P left early December (right after Thanksgiving) for 2 weeks I followed my trip was for 5 days spending only 3 days in India and 2 days traveling over-ambitious (so everyone told me and impractical)and nervous as we left kids home. Even after reaching India people thought I should not have come and was not ‘worth’ it. Either one of us has always been with kids barring last year in Hyderabad when I had to rush to Bangalore as MIL’s time neared during the 5 week trip. That was even worse as girls were sick down with some weird allergies and I don’t even want to talk about the tough time we went through physically, emotionally and logistically.  So made it though the long flight via Amsterdam and Mumbai! Attended the ceremonies both days and everything went fine and ok. Girls were doing ok, spoke to them and they spoke over the phone very nicely telling me about each other’s naughty behavior and that they missed me and bring ‘Nanna’ and ‘thatha’ back with me. I got to spend a few hours with my Grandmother and Aunts. Although not satisfied by just the couple of hours had to adjust. Shopped for some essentials and then had a mini reunion dinner at a friend’s. And before we knew we are back in Boston after Satyanarayan vratham. We slept through most part on both flights. Ate, slept that’s all I remember J
My family was really proud of my ability to do the impossible, leave my young girls behind for 4 days with parents and make it to the ceremonies. My aunt and grandmother appreciated it. I went there because I wanted to attend and be there as it was a final adieu to my MIL. There were lot of personal reasons why we couldn’t take the girls to India. Every parent makes a decision what they think is right for their children in given circumstances and so did we. It wasn’t easy but took a chance and decided to leave kids with parents for 4-5 days. Hopefully the last time we ever have to do this. I was very upset and spent sleepless night before my journey and also while actually in India although I didn’t tell anyone. Of course this is yet again an example for the girls that family sticks together no matter what; especially when it’s to do with some important ceremonies like these. I am not talking about myself and praising that such a good Daughter-in-law I am that I made it to India all the way for my Mother-in-Law’s ceremonies but it is about my mother who has shown immense love and care to her grand-daughters. So to me it’s more her affection and understanding as my mother to stick around with her daughter’s family and be there for me to be able to attend the ceremonies. Without my parents here I would not have been able to attend it.  So all the compliments showered by my aunts to me should actually be directed to my mother for selflessly being there for me over and over again and proving to us all what true unconditional mother’s love is about. When some things are done merely as a duty it lacks luster as opposed to out of pure love and affection.  

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Buzz Buzz Buuzzee

So Diwali came and went thats it. P did indoor skydiving on Diwali. He had booked a spot and he had to use it before it expired and so on Diwali he went indoor skydiving. He had fun although a sore back ;) 

Friday religiously went to Children's museum, it was empty which was good and kids had a blast.

Saturday lunch and play date more fun.

At work a major news was passed on which didnt go well with most of us. So we have to see next developments. Went for lunch at Lemon Tree Burlington. Good food, smaller portions we are used to but good food ;)

Sunday recovery mode :-)

Monday, November 12, 2012


Temple, Chucky Cheese's and English Vinglish sums up the weekend. I expected the movie to be a bit more witty and humorous but it was a pretty ok/plain movie maybe worth a watch. Plus watched the Tamil version instead of Hindi so missed the spontaneity and had to wait for translation for some dialogues from P as there were no subtitles.. Next week is Thanksgiving already, wow!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Good news etc

My bestie had her baby today 10.11.12 at 33 weeks. So overjoyed and nervous until I talk to her hope she is recovering well. Its the joy of my bestest friend from school days entering the next phase in her life. She is so good with babies and loves them to bits and she will be such a great mother yay! I so wish we were closer in distance so I could hold him.....

In the Food department side...
Ate out way too much this week. 2 days in WI, then Diwali lunch with colleagues. Then Dinner with a friend. I got take out for folks at home and the portions were so much (yes Sichuan Gourmet) that ate leftovers next day too. I am done eating out for a while (hopefully ;)). Miss the home cooked meal now.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

To WI and back

Had a productive work trip to Waupaca, WI. My only concern was getting stuck at airport due to unpredictable weather. I flew via Chicago the onward flight was delayed a little bit but still made it on time, was a good hour drive form there due to lousy weather. I got back really late last night around 2am as I chose to come home rather than take an early flight next day as I wanted to be home morning when kids wake up plus had an early training session, which I just made it, so luckily no weather issue delays. There was a fresh layer of snow I had to deal with on my car as I left the car at the airport and couldnt find closed parking previous day and had to leave it on the top open floor.

AG this mornign was excited with snow in accmulated in the balcony. AL narrated about her getting a boo boo and she falling in the parking lot (which happened a few weeks back). They dream so much I think nowadays the first thing they wake up is narrate stuff to me like it just happened. About some kid or animals or some fire trucks, fire alarms, boo-boos and so on. Simple dreams that they weave from the characters and situations occuring in their small but rapidly growing and pure world :-)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Elections 2012

Witnessing another round of elections here. This one's going to be so close as everyone says. Been following debates etc. I am in my mind favorable to Obama anyway. Saw a little bit of the debates on and off and saw Romney rise and stabilize definitely making this a race worth following. Romney outright did not impress anyone in the last round on foriegn affairs. Strangely in the local Senate elections we find Republican candidate much stronger. Strange cos we have been more pro democratic.Interesting days ahead on that front.

And finally the cold has hit us. Its pretty cold. Last night the heat didnt work. Didnt matter as much as it was still manageable. Now I can imagine WI will only be colder :-)

Monday, November 5, 2012

An extra hour

Felt the whole extra hour yesterday as the clocks turned back by 1 hour yesterday. Which also means it will dark when I leave work and get home :)

My blog and the trip

I have a blog like everyone else to express my thoughts, my opinions, my experiences and just rant. In general its a tough task to write in public as its open for misinterpretations. You dont know the tone and mood of the person writing it and it sometimes opens up can of worms especially when you have certain image already of the person in your head. This happens to everyone. I somehow do not like to write as much about the happy moments and close family and close friends as I am too scared I can get jinxed and fear of attracting negativity. That's just me. I kinda use the blog to vent and think out loud mostly. Probably that's why I dont generally publish my blog anywhere, if someone stumbles upon it well and good.

For example I realized that if someone read my blog its so easy to misinterpret like I don't understand or follow some Hindu traditions and customs. On the contrary it will be surprising to that I am more traditional than my own mother and husband. Yes there I say it out aloud ;) :-) What I jot down in my blog is some conflicts I experience in how people present certain customs and rituals to you and then they judge you on various grounds. To me I rather perform some ceremonies thoroughly whatever I can than incomplete and not have to worry about what people will think about you all the time. I can write a lot about it but the latter I strongly feel for, but I rest my case here. Not that its needs any explaining but as an example that's why we didn't even venture out for my Grandfather's and Mother in law's monthly ceremonies here in Boston area for lack of good infrastructure, reliable priest and inability to conduct the complete rituals start to finish. My Gfather's second anniversary one was a compromise but my Dad did it nevertheless that was his call.

With that its a reminder that in a month we have a trip to make back home for the annual ceremony as that is all we prioritized. Does time fly way too fast when you are in US than India? I always feel weekdays go by faster here ;) I am so nervous about this 3 day trip I am making sounds so not practical yet its all I can do! I just want to be there for every reason to be part of the rituals and bid P's mother adieu. I was talking to someone who was in same position as me and missed her Father in law's first annual ceremony she felt even bad when she heard I could go for 3 days, as she couldn't get vacation for a week. I asked her not to feel bad we all do our best and try and plan certain things happen for some it works out for others it dosent sometimes things dont go our way as much as we would like it to.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Another incident...

There was another death in my father's extended family. Very shocking. And yet another incident involving "he should have received treatement at the right time". Yes Uncle was in an emergency and there were no Doctors available for 24 hours as it was Navratri festival. Unfortunately it happened while they were on a holiday in the North East in India. And transportation was very tough, took 3 days to bring him back after he passed away, they still got Uncle back to home town for the last rites as thats where they are based out of.

As we were talking to my Dad's aunt and expressing condolences she was probably the strongest and brave spouse we have seen. Although a sudden death and she agreed she is still in shock. She says one of us had ot go. What were the chances that we would depart at the same time? Plus she said hindsight we will always feel so many things could have been done differently. We should not have gone on a vacation. What are the chances we wouldnt get a doctor to diagnose and provide treatment in time?? etc etc We have to accept and move on.  

I really admire her strength which I have seen in all women on my Ajji's side. Very strong, practical and vocal. Traditional yet practical is a great blend. I hope it rubs of to my girls.

Being fair

One of the challenges I have been concerned about facing is being able to treat both my children at par through actions in hearts they always will be but how to make sure actions also speak the same. There are days when one is more naughty than another and hence gets more timeouts or chided. One behaves much better and gets appreciated. Although it does not reflect anythign against the other one. Its important to acknowledge the other one too. I feel bad even though I sincerely know I  am not being biased. Through out our life we see teachers, relatives, friends, making such comments and comparing between 2 people whether students, friends, siblings,children or their spouses etc it does worry at times. Maybe I am thinking too much simply cos it pisses me off. :-)  

Rain forest cafe etc

We have always stopped by Rainforest cafe as kids love although scared of the animals crocodile and monkey etc. Finally took them for lunch and they loved it. They took a nice long nap in the car after that and we got home. They obviously didnt eat well but its ok we just wanted to give tem a break from the usual dal chawal. They loved the atmosphere. The lady serving us just got water first. Then AG just barely 2 1/2 started asking me, was the lady angry and not bringing food, just got us water. What happened? I was stunned. So easily a basic serving task also is scope for misinterpretation. Things you do and dont do are all so open to misinterpretation. I told her no, that's how it is. Water comes and food will follow. Lady is not angry. Although on hindsight should have gone further and explained kinda felt she is too young.

Friday, November 2, 2012


I was reading up something on etiquettes and saw quite a few articles on "guest etiquettes" i.e. how to behave well when you are guests in someone's home. I somehow couldnt find anything almost on how the Host is supposed to behave. And it got me thinking. Being a host is a big responsbility not everyone can carry it off, being warm, compassionate, making your guests comfortable with food and basics if you ever want them to visit again. Just saying....

P got the kids couple of soft toys a pony and a seal (we are pingu fans here) and kids loved it...I get home everyday and Mom has so many cute complaints about kids getting too naughty - loving it!

Been meaning to blog on Saanvi for a while. Didnt even know what to type. Its a gory thing which should never happen to anyone. RIP is all we can say. No one can take away their pain.
Read a lot of BS on this too unfortunately that I had to stop, people just made up stories without even knowing the facts, couple of articles on TOI were senseless pretty much. Then some people took it as an opportunity to slam US police for not doing their job. Weirdos! some of them who are stuckup in India and criticize everything US and want to show that their life is the best. It was also sad that most people did not want the person held responsible go back to India cos lack of trust in the system. Simply sidelining the main issue.

On another topic with kids asking us so many questions all the time of whats and whys, makes me realize how do kids always manage to ask the right questions. Something ever adults cannot. Sometimes we try asking the right questions on certain rituals or procedures for example people get offended. In India we have experienced mostly that priests, Doctors, or even some elders instead of accepting lack of knowledge or reasonably explaining things  they know, they get defensive and offended that we are challenging their authority and that we are this modern generation with no respect and feelings. And then you have a lot of them bombard you with personal and intrusive questions. How come the latter is more acceptable? 


Stumbled upon this article I thought was somewhat well written. Sycophants who you meet in your daily life are hard to describe. Every opportunity is used for self-interest, flattery in public to gain position and recognition. Its contagious too, sycophancy only breeds more sycophancy.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

This and That

So 'Sandy the storm' passed and it just gave us rain and winds here. But we realized later devastation was most in NY and NJ - coastal strip. Luckily we didnt have any power cuts.

So after working from home on Monday its BAU. P got back from Canada/Ottawa trip. It was uneventful dealing with US consulate - Thanks Goodness!

Ordered the same Sichuan stuff for lunch and turned out instead of Vege Chow Mein I just got veges :-( some error in processing my request. I survived Thanks to others who shared their food with me ;) Dan Dan noodles were too good!

Girls have inbuilt energizer batteries. I am convinced! They dont stop talking or jumping :-)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween, Sandy etc

So we stayed home for most part this weekend. Parents got a basic check up do e at the Doctors. I was supposed to get them a basic BP check up and Sugar test at one of the DRs and just then last week we saw at the temple there was a free check up for elders. Parents went with P and got it done.

A&A were lady bug and bumble bee this Halloween. There was a gathering at apartment clubhouse and we took them, they snacked, played, looked around quite a bit as lots kids were there with costumes and finally did some coloring. I didn't paying attention to their costumes this time. But then this was what I wanted them to be last year so maybe it was an obvious choice. Last year they were Bunny and a monkey ..

P left for Ottawa Sunday. Took the greyhound bus so made a very early start to drop him off. Then we had usual grocery stuff, got through some long lines as people were hoarding stuff required for approaching storm Sandy! Canned Food, water, batteries etc

Office was open till 2 and shut down but stayed home. It's Monday almost 5pm now and it's quite windy. Hopefully no major power outage. Although dinner is made and we should be able to manage till lunch tomorrow without cooking.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Flu shots and doc visits!

I got the flu shot as they were offering at work as usual. Basic injection all done early this week.

Took the kids today for their flu shots and since they are above 2 they got the nasal-spray flu vaccine and was awesome, no fuss no mess :-) and was so quick! Yay!

Got an annual check up done today.  Also visited the dentist few weeks back for the first time ever in my life again just for a general check up.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ear piercings - Check!

Girls got their ears pierced yesterday - yay! Everyone, including me kept saying should have been done way back when they were little and they would just cry a little and be done with it. Mine was done at some 11/13 days apparently and traditional way with the ear piercing man came home and just poked it in. Of course I would have got it done sooner when they were few months, but P wasnt convinced. First few months we had travel and we didnt want to do anything new should they not take it well. Time passed and P kept insisting they would then pull each others ears or mess with it etc as they were very active infants. Let's get it done when they ask for it was the final discussion point. Finally on garba day when I put these big earrings - AG asked the magic question - "I want earrings too Amma" - Of course darling and I was so happy - I love jewellery and chances are I know at least one of them will, if not both!

Wednesday being Vijay dashami etc was as a good day I thought, didnt want to get into further calendar details. Claire's in Burlington mall is a walk-in ear piercing and accessories store. The lady suggested that they are young and maybe I should come back next day when they are staffed with 2 experienced ear piercing people who simultaneously pierce both ears at the same time so it helps when kids are wiggly and uncomfortable. Its a better way but I was bummed as I was all set to get done same day and so was my mom. I took a chance we all got ours one ear after another big deal. AG was the first one to go. After 10 signatures she took from me, checked my id etc. I chose basic gold plain studs, nothing fancy and Voila! she did the markings and was done before I knew it. AG resisted a little bit for second ear, I was holding her in my lap in a high chair while mom in the front was distracting her. No cry no fuss all done. Yay!

AL I wasnt sure would go so smoothly she can be quite fussy and she senses things too soon and is cautious by nature, although she was standing out side with my dad when AG was getting it done and had no clue of the details. I thought I will go next day when both ladies are available for her. I asked her and she said she wanted earrings too one last time and the lollipop lady gave AG after she was done was more attractive to her. Again more signatures and I was sitting with AL. She saw lady use sanitizer and gloves and got the whole "doctor" feeling and her expressions changed kinda sceptical, she went through with cleaning, markings and first ear and she cried a little bit and resisted. But quickly got done with second one too and got a lollipop and an immediate trip to Rainforest cafe and they were fine. Some initial redness in ears but subsided.

So for next 2 months have to use the cleanser they gave to prevent infection and when we change earrings few months down the line ensure earrings always there for next 1 year or chances of it closing back again. I think they look really cute, or cuter with the earrings. :-) The whole thing costed $95 for both including that medicated cleanser. On hind sight should have avoided the cleanser and gone with traditional haldi and saved few bucks. Oh well but the haldi mess another issue. Expensive according to me but job well done since there were almost no tears- and that matters. I got some extra ear piercing done in college days and through similar method (gun or whatever they call it). Its almost pain free. That really helped to the traditional piercing method I guess in general. So 2 years 4 months is not a bad age after all to get ear piercing done but of course the girls were really good :-)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

This and That...

Its been 2 years since my Grandfather passed away. The first and last time he saw the girls who were just 4 months old and AL even lovingly scratched his hand. Everything seems so staged now if I think about it sometimes, like it was meant to be. Me flying down with girls sooner than planned. Meeting him sooner than planned once I landed and things that followed. I am probably lucky to have grandparents presence and influence for so long in my life which I know many dont have.

So my Dad performed the yearly ceremony on Monday in a very simple manner at the temple. It was peaceful and calm at the temple, as it was a Monday morning (although Durgashtami). No distractions whatsoever. I am big on all religious ceremonies being a private thing and hate publicity stunts. Mainly cos focus on the spiritual aspect is often lost and emotions and outwardly/worldly presentations take over and it makes it seem like a formality which it shouldnt be. Of course, values, good faith and respect is more important than ceremonies itself not just to the departed but to the people around you. I guess I have this fear from couple of my past experiences that gatherings may simply become a sham, where 1 person whether a priest or organizer just uses his/her position to take undue advantage of others feelings/respect and faith. Its my opinion anyway.

Yesterday finally ate at Sichuan Gourmet for lunch. Since I got to Boston area people have recommended it as the best restaurant and so close to Indo-Chinese etc. And rightly I loved it. Had this spicy tofu curry with white rice and loved it, love it, loved it! And such generous portions that I had to pack the rest and 3 of us ate it again for dinner ;) Mom especially loves tofu. Its not as close to Indo-Chinese to me but very tasty. I never was a big fan of spicy food in general, I still dont cook spicy food or enjoy spicy food when its home cooked. Past few months though my spice tolerance and craving for spicy food has increased but it limited to only when I eat out. One of those changes I guess to taste buds.

Peeked a little into NDTV last night and most of Yash Chopra movie songs were being played. Loved it! Right from his earlier movies to the latest ones. We were humming and then there was this little hum that joined us AG smiling and doing her own thing of tearing-up the thermocol ball and humming with us :-) cute or what?

Thanks to everyone at home, making an early start in the mornings for work. Although I am not a morning person, cant say I hate it. Its lovely driving on calm roads and admiring the surrounding and falling in love with the city you love/work/hang out in :-)

Sunday, October 21, 2012


These days are always close to my heart. And now that for the first time we are actually home with the kids (been in India last 2 years) we were able to follow our very own traditions that we created ourselves and hope we follow each year to come.

1. Garba: I simply enjoy this dance, music and the gathering. And glad I introduced it to the girls. Although they were groggy, and they wont remember it probably until I keep taking then every year for next few years, they got the rhythm and the beats and I am glad :)the Swamy Narayan temple was way too packed than we would have wanted but an experience nevertheless, met my colleagues from work there.

2. Durga pujo pandal: Navratri past few years is not complete until we take Maa Durgas' darshan/Arthi at the local Bengali Durga Pujo. There is something very serene, strong and comforting in the idol that brings inner peace and strength in me. This time visited the Winchester one. Even bumped into a couple of bong friends we know too :)

Stopped at Chucky Cheese's and kids didn't want to come back home ;), it was a last minute thing and a total Paisa vasool for those winter-y days :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Quotable quotes

Amongst the many updates you get in FB which are kinda irksome at times. I saw this one:

"Your beliefs dont make you a better person your behavior does" ...simple message but true.
Stumbled upon this many times..."Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people" - Roosevelt. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Vacation! Vacation

After about 4 years took 1 week off with the Girl friends in Europe and had a great time! Although very different from last time as we were a bigger group and weather was colder back then and we were 4 years younger ;). This time 3 of us set forth and ventured into two beautiful cities in Europe, although with no fixed agenda we had a checklist that we successfully crossed out.

We made this last minute plan as usual to take off to Europe. There were more dramas than we expected as my friends had to take UK and Schengen visa. Everyday we would wait for the passport, as UK visa took longer than expected and that created all the drama for us ;) Schenegen was a breeze for them. And me being the dual citizen that I am with NZ didnt need any visa and Thank Goodness for that.

My flight to London from Boston got delayed by 7 hours due to a technical snag and I was waiting at the airport and kinda bummed.


I flew into London and we stayed at K's our other partner in crime. Since this is my second trip there just strolled down the shopping area with the girls who made some pretty big purchases (LV topped the list). We did a casual strolls both days and did some bar hopping and settled for some lovely Middle eastern/ME food at Giraffe cafe. Overall 2 days nicely spent. Rainy weather, great company - who can complain? We then took a BA flight to Amsterdam from Gatwick.


A cozy and vibrant, this place personifies 'freedom' to me in every sense. We did the Heineken tour, shopping (my girls went berserk ;) had fun although shopping was not on my agenda), Red light district (a very different experience is all can say, since its all very legal here), a casual trip to the 'coffee-shops' (yep! it was like in the movies ;)), And I did VanGogh Museum while the girls continued shopping. The paintings were split between 2 locations as main museum was under some kinda construction. I just visited one of the locations and loved it. Loved the very 'deep' quotes alongside the paintings and the paintings. We did a canal cruise and a lot of just hanging out and walking. We were on our feet continuously for 2 days so by end of the day we slept really well ;) We discovered Moez a lovely ME veggie chain and definitely had the best fries ever in Amsterdam and the falafel sandwich, yum! yum! yum! The weather was pleasant and not too cold and thoroughly enjoyed snacking on Nutella on warm waffles. We never really care for Nutella as much at home, but out there it was tempting. Whether on a crepe or a waffle.Cool, drizzly weather and warm waffles w/ Nutella is a deadly combo. We even ate at a couple of Indian restaurants and Tandoor specifically had good food. Had Mexican other times. Hotel was close to the heart of the city and it really cut down time to key places, even though city is not as big from what I saw, but still.


We then took the Thalys train to Paris. From Centraal Station Amsterdam to Paris Nord. Took a cab to the hotel and since it was an early train we slept through the journey and once we hit the hotel showered, got ready and went to Louvre. Louvre was way too big than I imagined. The bummer was everything was in French and by the time we decided to take the headphones for guidance in English it was kinda late. We toured the Napolean Bonaparte arena, Mona Lisa painting (which as expected does not meet expectations due to the hype plus the over crowding, you sort of lose interest in it). It was massive place with works from some greatest artists. And since ours was a 3 day trip and Louvre could alone consume 2 days according to me. We did a rather quick tour of it and then headed to Eiffel Tower. This was absolutely breath taking view. Middle of the city there is the lovely huge metal structure. I was in awe. But again its me someone else might not get the same feeling. I loved it. Kept staring at it and my mind went blank and happy at the same time. We took the elevator to the top and again cant say enough about how beautiful it was. As much as I was done with tall buildings after Sears Tower and Empire State, I still loved this one. It was a beautiful site soaking up the whole view of the city with River Seine flowing across.

We then headed back to the hotel and went to Blanche for Moulin Rouge. It was a nice show but started later than expected and again it was all in French. It was my first cabaret show and I liked it. But towards the end our fatigue took over as we did quite a bit of sightseeing the very first day and we got done by about 2am and took a cab back (we were up since 4am). this was probably the only crazy day we had where in we squeezed in a lot :-) Next day we went to Sucre Couer, it was a nice vicinity and a pretty good cathedral, walked around across Pigalle and headed to Champs Elysee. Took a quick look of Arch de Tromphe which is just like our Gateway in India. Girls shopped a bit again on Elysee we then again went back and strolled and ate in cafes and enjoyed the views. Had some really good Italian food there in a cafe.

Next day we first went to the Palace of Versailles then to Notre Dame castle. Palace gardens were beautiful. I had already seen Notre Dame Basilica in Montreal. So the more exciting part for me where the piano bars and the lovely restaurants and cafes outside St Michele's. It was a gorgeous site to just walk in that area and the lovely chocolate/cookies smell in the air. It was the next big highlight for me in Paris after Eiffel Tower. Totally not doing justice in this post here. We did some more strolling around in Champs Elysee, finally went to the hotel, packed, headed out to Fauchen cafe, shopped a little, ate at a pizza place and prepared for departure next day.

We headed again to Paris Nord. Since this time we were going back into UK had to do all the immigration/customs stuff. Took the Eurostar train 2 2/1/2 hours. Again dozed off. My friends had left some stuff at K's place in Wimbledon, so one of them went to her place to get the stuff while the two of us waited at VAT office, once she got back which was a bit rushed as their flight to India was earlier than mine and K's (Yes K was flying to India w/ the baby same day). Once they wrapped up and checked in, I went to my terminal and got home.

This was the first time I flew Virgin Atlantic and it was pretty good, I liked the food served also. No dramas, got home and got back straight into my lovely routine.

Thankful and Grateful!

My trip was only possible due to my parents and husband. The pillars in my life.

I am not a huge fan of vacationing without kids. I couldnt think of it ever.

But this all-girls trip just happened!

P and my parents encouraged me with all the bookings to go ahead and completely took over with the kids and their stuff. Mom and P suggested this time will never come again once kids start school, parents are not here etc, plus P also is taking a week off in Canada although its not a vacation, vacation, ;)

But when the day actually arrived to leave I was in tears as I was leaving them behind. I did it once in India as I had no choice back then for 4 days when MIL expired and my parents house was the only place they were loved and safe. Period. This was definitely easier as it was home base and kids routine was not disrupted etc. It was just me missing them terribly. It was a big decision for me. At the same time I am blessed with a support system I cant stop bragging about. As much as I applaud people who do everything on their own. Nothing like having hands-on grand parents. Plus even more blessed to have flexible and affectionate kids. There were certain things only I could do, like feeding them for example when they were younger. But they took to my mom so easily and naturally from Day 1, I just love it, I love the rapport and bonding they share with her. Touch wood!

As soon as I got to London I spoke to the girls, did Facetime etc and they were totally fine. They asked me to bring them the red London bus and fire truck/engine from London and they did great! That's when I realized how sensible the girls are. They would ask for me everyday remaining 5 days and then Mom would ensure she reminded them I'd be back soon and I am taking a break with friends. And although 7 days felt like a month to me, it just flew for them.

Although I think it is probably my only/last vacation/trip without the kids.

Monday, September 24, 2012

This & That

We watched the movie Cocktail. The movie was ok. Kinda boring to see Saif Ai Khan play the same role for the 4th or 5th time. And although I agree that Chetan Bhagat's commentary in his review for this movie is applicable for some typical MCPs, but it was no way related to the movie for me after I watched it. It was just a movie for me.

I am not sure if Barfi will live up to its hype for me although I dont intend to watch it for a while.

And I finally made my trip to the spa. P gifted the Groupon on my birthday. I postponed it to September and got a massage done. Was pretty relaxing I must say

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Impressed :-)

I just mentioned in my earlier post about visiting the Curious George store at Harvard Sq - I didnt even have the link or anything, now I might as well? ;) and there was a quick Thank you comment to my post for visiting their store. I was quite impressed. Its a small store and apparently the only one in the world for the curious monkey fans like my little ones. How much ever automated etc all this is w/ technology etc I get it, BUT they ensured its done. Good job!

This is cordial customer service to me :-)

Hello Fall!

So its been a long week and half or more since I got to my blog..

Lot a of tasks done in my to-do list on the personal front. I had scheduled a lot of stuff for these past 2 weeks and it got done. Importantly got that closets both personal and shoes closet cleaned up. Lot of old clothes and shoes went into the bin successfully. All other follow ups and appointments done. Yay!

And then change of season, hello! P is down with bad allergies. Dad and I have mild low grade fever and sinus since 2-3 days. Mom is so-so, girls have of course runny noses the usual, and so we have been one sniffy and stuffy nosed household :-) So totally stayed home all weekend and got the usual grocery shopping etc done, which went even well since we went to Russos, got some great fresh stuff for an excellent price. Over all made my day at least and my mom's.

Girls are usual self - pint-sized bombs. Too much talking and shocking vocabulary and feelings and expressions. Very impressed and a lot to note down in my personal blog.I am not able to catch up. ;) Its been over a month since the "What's" have begun and I can see the "whys" coming... What is this amma? What is this amma? go the squeaky voices. Yesterday finally AL asked Why amma Why? and I knew what's coming next ;)

Lots of activity in the work front and more tasks scheduled to be completed on personal front - bring it on!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thatha's off to India

So Father-In-Law left yesterday, took the flight back to India. 

We all had our own small crazy routine from non-stop coffee drinking over the weekends, to watching some meaningless movies, and various activities and he will be missed. Luckily with my parents around its not a sudden vacuum for all of us since he left yesterday.

Unfortunately we couldn't find better rental place to move into, hopefully in next two months we can get a good place in some good apartment community or this same one. So it's been very nomadic for us since March this year. Expecting things to work out, we were all set to move hence not attended to any any changes our current home needed, including major carpet change which the leasing office should have done etc,

As FIL mentioned about my MIL's anniversary schedule in December makes us realize how fast time is flying. As of now looks like only P can make to India unfortunately. So I am bummed that I may not make it and we dont see a practical option either as we decided not to take the kids to India this time.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Just plain good and giving

I am thankful and grateful for surrounding myself with goodness and generosity and its all from the one main person in my life, my husband P.
The one quality that beats everyone and everything - he is just plain good and has a heart of gold.

In terms of generosity and his giving nature too he is alongside my paternal grand mother and my mother - the 3 people I have seen in my life who can selflessly just give and take a lot of pleasure and seek happiness by their kind deeds. Its overwhelming at times and yet I feel blessed.
There are no other adjectives or superfluous words that can describe a person being good and generous.

I hope the girls inherit the goodness of character and the giving nature. He is an excellent role model on that front.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Had a pretty good weekend. Shopped a little after a very long time at Walmart. Since FIL is leaving next week there were a couple small things to pick up plus been wanting to go to the temple for a while.

Sunday was a very pleasant day as we headed to Harvard Sq. Harvard Sq never fails to disappoint you. Lively and always a lot of activity. Our lunch at Tanjore also was pretty good and we all relished the lunch buffet there. We must really try to go there more often and just walk around. We spotted a Curious George store there and AG and AL went crazy and started hoarding stuff, their final loot were bunch of small sized figurines of animals, mostly bears and I got them a couple of penguins and elephants since they have been going crazy with Pingu series and listening to stories on the bear from my mother.

The girls had their rowdy moments when we were walking around. My heart almost stopped when AG ran and we couldnt catch up with her almost on to the main road. That split second you just get so worried, Phew! Both of them got it from me. AL listened and mellowed down not AG she had that "I dont care" and "Oh I am so cute" look! Phew! At the restaurant they did ok didnt eat a morsel, AG nibbled a bit and AL took pleasure in feeding her Dad peas.
Otherwise days have been so full at work, the past 2 weeks flew even more fast than usual. So much that we can see Fall slowly setting in. P even thinks he has his allergies bothering him since yesterday. So we see summer slowly receding.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

This and That

Tough morning with AG refusing to go to school. We let her cry and moved on and dropped off. She was totally fine at school. She got too emotional poor baby. Fever has come down hoping they do ok at school and continue as usual.

I have been feeling particularly exhausted this week. :-)

Weather is cooling down already!!!! I like the quiet white winters so no complaints anyway as of now :-) ;)

Been picking names for my best friend's baby I am so glad she is blessed. Also heard of another acquaintance who was craving for a baby finally is expecting. The joy when I see people who truly deserve the blessing of parenthood and motherhood is a beautiful feeling. Only people who know the value of what parenthood is will know.

My 2 cents to A & A

Dear A&A,

I have been thinking and wanted to pass on some advise time to time....

As human beings we are very judgmental. We want things to happen our way. We claim we are very flexible and accommodative but we turn our backs are capable of nurturing negative feelings. Everybody is different no two people are alike and that's what makes life interesting. But bottom line we all judge people, its human, but please remember you have a choice you dont have to share or pass judgements vocally about anyone especially about immediate family members and close friends to others. Whether its your parents/inlaws, siblings, sons/sons inlaw or daughters/daughters inlaw, cousins, aunts/uncles all the immediate family members and your best friends or next door neighbor . You must be frank and honest in all your relationships. Nobody is perfect remember, We all have flaws and like I said human mind will not stop judging you have to train it, but keep it to yourself and try not to pass it on. As an exercise for every negative thing you talk say two positive things about that very same person. If you cannot find any, you know that you are nurturing way too much negativity in you. However you rather not have that relationship than pretending and complaining about it. Either be honest and focus on improving it or not have it. Its all a matter of choice. You choose your own happiness. I am learning too everyday and trying to practise the above.

Dont crave for attention and burn bridges. Just because you want to be liked and adored and respected you dont have to put others down, Focus on yourself and your relationship but dont "scheme and plan" to hurt others for attention. As babies you crave for attention and tend to hurt one another, I know its your instincts its natural and happens, but I dont encourage as it is and you get time outs for that and I will continue for it not to happen once you are grown up a bit. At the same time Sycophancy is the dangerous opposite of the former. Be yourself. No excessive praise and flattery to anyone to get things done. You cannot insult and hurt or "use" your immediate family members or anyone to nurture your ego and then expect all your relationships to be normal going forward. You mess up then you have to face consequences for it.

Its truly said that one has to "earn" respect. If you have a clean heart, are honest in your opinions and feelings towards all, you dont have to fear anything, you dont have to seek respect, respect will come from every nook and corner by itself! Like AK quoted in SJ - Respect comes with behavior and conduct not merely with qualifications/degrees, age or money. Earn it dont claim it and misuse it.
This is all from personal experience and a few mistakes made and a lot of observation. Hope this helps at some point in the future.

PS: This is not a preaching just advise. Like I said I am learning and trying to practise it myself. Once you guys grow up a bit hope we can guide and support each other if possible.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Past week...

So its been a good-busy week/fortnight. Lot of activity on the work front. It was good to meet my Uncle's family and cousins and kids meeting them. Got a chance to meet another relative's family too who are local to Boston. Attended a birthday party, and finally over the weekend both girls are down with fever :-(

Didnt do anything for our 7th anniversary as the folks were flying out to CA that day and then AL was already down and I knew AG will follow soon. Hence we were home even the following day for my dad's birthday. So we had a quiet one over all.

One of the best things I can thank P after 7 years of marriage and knowing him for so much more longer is the ability to appreciate and live in the present. Being content with what we have today and enjoying this "today" . Cos I see people constantly living in the past or worried about the future or worried that we are not worried like them about the future ;) and be frantically scurrying for the future. Relax, take a step back, smell the flowers and take a deep breath. You need to plan for your future but not obsess with it and give up your present.

Monday, August 13, 2012


So our extended fam from Dad's side from CA came to visit us on Saturday and met our local relatives too. Mom cooked lunch in the morning and we had a nice time catching up. Headed to downtown rather late as they wanted to have Clam Chowder in Boston. By the time we drove, got through a flat tire for a car and changed cars and took the wrong route mostly my error cos I forgot I was to give directions and got distracted with the GPS and got to the place which is 15 miles away it took a while added another 12 miles to the journey :-(. Plus kids had such a late nap they just wanted to continue sleeping after that and skip dinner. So we obliged and crashed at 12am one crazy day and been sleep deprived since 2 days feel like a zombie today :-) AL got some allergy/flea bites kinda thing in her feet which is itchy with and some cough which kinda kept us awake couple of nights. Hope her skin condition improves and so does her cough. Poor baby!

My Uncle's family is off to Niagara and TO and we will see them next Saturday before they head back to CA.

Parents are off to NY-DC trip 3 days and 2 nights. The moment I told sleepyhead AG they are off to NY she pointed and said statue! statue! to the Statue of liberty memento I had in the shelf - smarty pants!

Zzzzzzzzzz! Its Mondayyy!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy birthday :-)

Had a quiet birthday. Mostly cos it was a Wednesday and wasnt sure Aanya and her insect/bug bits in feet would be comfortable enough to head out for dinner. Plus our weekends are lively enough that we enjoy our routine Mon-Fri ;)

Met P for a quick lunch. And I am glad we work so close that we go out for lunch every other week.

Girls sang Happy Birthday and totally get the concept now that they are 2 years 2 months. Relished the small chocolate cake. That is all that mattered.

Received loads of messages and calls that I have to respond to.

- This little guiding light of mine, I am going to let it shine, let it shine, all the time, let it shine... :-)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Second beach trip this summer

Had a great time at Crane beach with the kids. This time kids opened up very quickly to the water. The beach was wonderful, big, fairly crowded (although mostly returning crowd by the time we got there at 3pm), shallow waters, soft sand and water was pretty warm in some patches for the toddlers to run around and play in the sand. Girls were happy to play in the sand and water. Although AL who is a clean freak didnt like the mess with the sand sticking to her and kept constantly washing herself plus she had a runny nose which only got worse with the water. AG had a ball! The views were pretty good around the beach. The inner roads approaching the beach and many farms which made it lovely route to drive past. P and I really enjoy such places, its relaxing to the mind and pleasing for the eyes. Thank Goodness for the ability to appreciate finer and simple things in life.

Our friends joined us too so it was good to hang out with them, although I wish we could have spent more time with them. We tried to head to a restaurant after that but wait times were too long. We stuck around till maybe 7 and headed home, I cooked dinner, we all ate and crashed by about 11 pretty tired. The finishing touch was the lovely sunset we saw, after a longtime I saw the a complete clear orange ball of fire. I would totally recommend the beach and rate it higher than Wingersheak we went few weeks back.

Completely relaxed at home on Sunday and enjoyed the feeling of doing nothing. And now its back to work...

I enjoy such spontaneous mini trips.

Monday, July 30, 2012

This and that...

Not sure why it took me this long for the next post. But its just been a good summer with the parents ofcourse.

Firstly AL recovered, feels much better - Thank Goodness. The girls want to be home with the Gparents all the time and not goto daycare. Very happy for that. But downside is the drop offs are that much harder now. But they still do go most days and stay home a couple of days a week. Its been a pretty warm summer, no complaints. Beach - check. Blue Berry Farms - check. My in-law's family friends home visit - check. Stroll in downtown this weeked - check. Lazed at home doing nothing but watching the Olymics Saturday- check. So a good mix of activities.

Downtown stroll particularly was pretty good and relaxing on Sunday. Weather was awesome. We took a nice long stroll after lunch. I am glad we skipped the Children's Museum - the indoor play areas are good for winters, why get stuck indoors again. Although its a very good place for kids. The girls enjoyed the stroll and AG and AL both walked a lot with us looking around and having fun munching on a few gold fish :-) Simple pleasures I tell ya...!

Friday was Varalakshmi vratham. Its my 8th vratham, wow time flies. This is something practised at my husband's side and I picked it up after marriage from my MIL. Couldnt help but think of her and say a silent prayer for her enthusiasm in various poojas. My first one after marriage was guided by her, since it was the very next next day after our Wedding day in August. The next one being in 2007 when she was in US. In 2011 the girls wore those mini saris and she totally loved it and had so many comments and thoughts to share on the girls. She always appreciated that at the time of poojas and traditional ceremonies I always ensure to appear completely dress appropriately in sari etc. She complimented me that it was beautiful to see 3 of us ladies in sarees which even people in India dont wear any more to perform a pooja even once a year. The wedding year and 2007 we celebrated many festivals together and after that the very last and major pooja she participated which I am glad to be present for was Kailasha Gauri Vratham. Which was quite the coincidenece as we were to leave India to go back to the US and our flights got postponed due to snow storms as if to just attend the pooja. Some things are just meant to be. I was there through out with her in Dec 2010 roughly a year before she passed away. And was the scariest part to watch her not complain but know she is not ok physically but just getting through it with just her will power. Just her will power.

So this year we had a simple one with AL and AG all curious with all pooja items and AG wanted to dress in a sari like me. AL refused to and she was happy splashing and sprinkling stuff around. This is the third consecutiive with my mother around so that's great!

July 27th was my birthday per the Hindu calendar so with the pooja etc didnt do much but good to have the whole family around. The girls are 2 years and 2 months :)

Monday, July 16, 2012


It was a tough weekend - AL suffering from cold and fever was another but not eating for almost 48 hours and I mean NOTHING not even a bite just few ounces milk and some Pedialyte and then seeing her tremble with weakness and just lay there closing her eyes with no strength totally killed me. ..Plus the nagging cough and cold that mom and I got, Mom's being worse.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


My darling AG has been down past whole week. Her pretty and naughty doe eyes got so dull. She had a low grade fever and cold and now she has some cough and cold left and she is unable to eat, poor baby! AL has taken a turn in behavior not sure if there is more to come, but she played the 'naughty one' past week and kept us on our toes.

Past week being the July 4th week I ended up working from home couple of days here and there and was pretty quiet. We saw the fireworks in Waltham too and did do much over the weekend just lazed with couple of friends who came over to watch Wimbledon.

So AL caught the bug now and is running high temperature, not eating and has a bad congestion and cough. Its that time again what we parents dread the most! My mom, then me and now my Dad caught it too I think. But we just have strep throats and slight temperature. Took half the day off yesterday and girls were home and took AG to day-care today as I head home. All of us are kind of sleep deprived from last night.

Still struggling with the whole house move decision, back to rental property hunting and nothing is to our liking, what is it with these homes or us? :-)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Its July 2012

The weekend flew past, warm and busy and typical. On weekends we always try to keep a flexible schedule with kids and us. After a fairly strict routine we follow weekdays (now less strict with parents around ;)) we try to take it a little easy. We did the mall and the usual drives here and there. Including a short time out Friday night with friends after Aadu and Aani went to bed. We were fairly confident kids would sleep through for the hour or two and that they did. Parents visited Mohegan Sun and they had a good time.

One of the things about having twins and in case of our twins is every day is different, some are more challenging and some are smooth. But like all parents we get through it. Most of us love our homes, kids, jobs and all of us have our way to manage it because we all love what we do, in fact this whole generation is like that I think, as we got more nuclear we managed it all, so somehow it doesn't seem like a big deal. In fact even for moms in the US who have no domestic help, no kitchen help and naughty twins in my case does not seem like a big deal ;) That's what I was telling a friend of mine who is planning to have kids soon and is nervous as she thinks she lacks patience. Some people are always complaining and negative that its so tough to manage kids/work etc others feel they are the best and they do it all and everything correctly like they are the only ones to ever have had a job/kids and manage a household - both versions are complete BS according to me as they both still manage and get through the highs and lows. It is important that you want to have kids and for the right reasons. The rest will fall into place if you have common sense.

You cannot expect life to not change once you have kids, if someone tells you it has not that it BS too and how it changes is what you need to have a good estimate of as it can vary person to person. You just have to give in your best :-)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

This & That

Girls are 2 years and 1 month old. already. :-)

Mom has taken over the kitchen as she insists I take a break and spend time with children and other things in the checklist and doesn't let me do anything. I have no qualms or control issues so I am gladly lazying for that 1/2-1 hour in the evening with cooking occasional dishes I cook here and there . Did I forget to mention how pampered I am? ;) Plus she is basking in the glory of duties of a maternal grandmother. That way I am so glad my kids have spent so much time with grandparents and the kids realize the presence of support system :-)

Hunting for a bigger space is still up in the air. We saw some ups and downs in our journey and we are very picky, so just planning to let go of the hunt for sometime.

AG and AL had their 2 week appointment and they hated it. The Doctor got a earful of - STOPs! - DOCTOR YOU ARE A NAUGHTY BOY, BYE BYE, NO NO NO! These 2 are just not submissive and boringly obedient! They are boisterous and a bundle of energy. There is never a dull moment with these two (and thank god for that), I never somehow expected spells of naughtiness, so this pleasantly surprises me and brings a lot of extra smiles in your day. It must be so easy to parent a quiet and behaved child indeed, but its so much fun to be a parenting a naughty one, I tell ya! :-)

Got my car serviced 30K mileage one. Now time to address the bumper. Few weeks back the bumper touched/hit the front car when driving back home on the freeway. Traffic was slow, I was distracted trying to make a call as I was running late and concerned it might get late to pick up the kids and somehow I couldn't brake on time as I was quite close to this car. Luckily it was so slow nothing happened to front car and that guy just let go without any dialogue as his car didn't get a scratch plus he was from out of state plus he was in a hurry, but my poor white Rabbit's bumper took a hit. This is my first hit ever but its not official anyway since there is no insurance claim by the other party.

Finally felt very strange to accept gold from my Father-in-law. My Mother-in-law loved jewelry and she would with great interest be the person in charge of such things. She meticulously planned and saved up and got all sorts of variety of things done. It felt very incomplete and strange to accept the gift, although very thoughtful of him.

Monday, June 18, 2012


Our parents are here finally. After a huge family loss being together for us means a lot. There is a lot of vacuum especially for my Father-in-law. That's why I am glad my parents are home as well so he can get some alone time or not get any alone time based on how he wants it to be. The girls immediately opened up to the Grandparents and bonded, something amazing for me to watch. Even AG who takes time to warm up to people generally just knows they are the grandparents and they are basking in all the love and attention they are showering on them. They get worried even when one of the grand parent is missing (either in the restroom or they have gone for a walk), they expect everyone to be sitting in the living room and visible to them always...there are a lot of such wonderful moments so hard to pen down all of them though.

After a long time P confessed that his birthday couple of weeks back was the toughest for him to get through and really missed his mother. He did mention there should be no cake etc For the sake of girls and especially AG who has a sweet tooth, I got him like this really small pastry. But makes me feel really sad. The girls keep talking about Chinni Bamma, my MIL's sister and makes it sad as they dont know their Bamma anymore, other than in pictures.

I guess we all have our own ways to come to terms with such a huge loss, we all will at some point of time accept she is "really" no longer here with us.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Really grateful for the lovely friends we have in our life. Their homes are like literally having a second home or a vacation home. They treat us very well emotionally and physically and are such wonderful hosts. Since the time we have had kids, they willingly give their Master bedrooms to us taking into consideration we have come after a long drive with two kids and need more adjustment (since they have a home ground advantage and dont need 'settling in' never selfishly look for their own comfort, their routine, besides in all fairness the guest rooms are equally comfortable), we all take good care of each other and each other's kids, ensure everyone eats and food is provided,(if you let your guests starve, you will never ever have guests to stay over ever :-) and we repeatedly visit each other's houses so that says a lot), by being genuinely very nice, and showering love on all kids; we can just be our true fun self without any pretence, or hurt or insults! Its the warmth and the welcome feeling you generate so guests/friends want to come back to your home again and again.

I truly acknowledge and Thank God for the lovely friends we have!

And they turn TWO!

Its amazing how time flies. I am a mother of 2 year olds; 2 year old extremely naughty girls :-) It has definitely been a rewarding and a journey totally worth it. . Couple of weeks ago, just before their birthday they both actually said I love you Amma/Mamma and generously gave me kisses. They have been planting kisses for a while now. AL comes close to my cheeks and plants her lips there while AG just licks me on my forehead and cheeks. Everybody tells me how much changes there are ahead. :-).

We had a low key, busy and fun 2nd birthday. Got them some yummy and pretty cakes which they cut (Konditor Meister yes! yes! yes! I put in a lot of thought into the kind of cakes I should have for them), spent time with house full of lovely friends and kids and had a good time overall in DE. Went to Dutch Wonderland in PA where they hopped onto a few rides and enjoyed, it was a rather hot day so they got tired pretty soon. AL was taken into this scary water ride (scary for me) and she was too dumbfounded to react and it was over by then, she is a brave one. AG was complaining why everyone was leaving her to go on the scary water ride while she wouldnt want to step in it. Both of them enjoyed the choo-choo train, carousel etc the usual ones.

Couldnt help but wonder how thrilled their Baamma/my MIL would have been to see them grow into such pretty and strong girls.

Another 10 days or less my parents and FIL will be here and looking forward to that.
Back to our routine otherwise, takes a week to get over the long weekend of merry making and fun! :-)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Satyamev Jayate

We managed to watch the 2 episodes of Satyameva Jayate and it was very good. As a mother of two lovely toddlers for me the ability for someone to present and talk about some issues like these feels pretty amazing. Good work by Aamir Khan for using his means to bring such issues in the forefront. On the other side there are issues that just come and go as a wave, hopefully it does not get lost and this results in some actions by concerned authorities.

Its not easy though and it is not just about creating chapters and amendments in current laws, not just about it anyway, its the mind set of the people that has to change and that freaks me out. For example it was cited a judge did not find anything wrong in the father and pathetic in laws eliminating girls and wanting a boy. (here the daughter-in-law wants to keep her female child and that is what the issue is about, If even she does not want it then its a bigger issue is what I am saying). If the judge was bribed to say something like that and he did it for money I could understand (Its wrong but understand some people have temptations) but if he really believes what he said and that was his own thinking and opinion/view - then that is what is sad and needs to change.
A grandmother of twin girls manages to push a baby wrapped in a cot through the stairs, she is a Principal of some school apparently, imagine a woman as a head of a school who is supposed to mold future citizens and young men and women having such values? That is what is outright scary. And finally the scariest part of it all is all women, doctors, mothers-in-law, mothers themselves craving for a son is one thing but killing the baby girl and hoping to conceive only a boy is unpardonable and unacceptable.
That is why the change has to come from within and values have to change!
But I have to ask.....
If people believe they want "the son" at any cost and should not eliminate girls, would some of them then just mechanically keep producing until they get a boy? even though they cannot afford financially?
Or dump the girl after she is born since she cannot be killed in the womb based on sex (its considered a crime by the country and not them)?Or probably sold since she is not "the son" they wanted? Or just ill-treated within the family and treated a burden?
Would this lead to more child labor/abuse etc then? Would that very same girl then think I wish I were not born?

Phew! your head just spins thinking about some of these issues and examples cited. Finally I always believed and reiterate education and money has nothing, nothing to do with the values you believe in. The Judge and Principal and many more examples we see in our every day lives who are so proud of not their "child" but their "son" prove it to me time and again.
The toughest part besides a lot of tears here and there for me was the initial speech Aamir Khan gave in the first episode on Motherhood and importance of a Mother in one's life, I could not, could not look at my husband. I know we were both in tears. And for me personally the song in the end was just too sad, about that chidiya, I don't want to listen to it again.

Week 20 2012

And so after the longest week ever finally back to our routine past 2 weeks. And since I am modest enough to accept it that I am not a super woman ;) I was definitely exhausted after a week of 2 clingy sick babies, AG stuck to me and AL mostly to P, but feeding is my department and its tough to feed congested babies, its actually more stressful, simply because I give in to what they want to eat when and I dont force feed as I trust their instincts but of course in the end it ends up being way too less than their actual consumption but as a mother its hard to sleep at night knowing your baby didnt feed as well as she should have. And then weekend we have friends over. So over all its mostly sleep deprivation which took me a few days to get over.

We took the girls to the temple as it was their birthday per the Hindu calendar on 6th. I dressed them in outfits I had purchased for them in FabIndia way back in our 2010 trip. Comfy Indian clothes and they looked super cute in it. Luckily weather improved too. So its been over a week since then. Girls have as usual been talkative and naughty.

Its been raining every other day past 2 weeks. Temperatures are perfect!

Its been six months since MIL passed away already. Sigh!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Getting thru the sickies

So its been Day 3 we have been home. Both are recovering but congestion still has not declined. AL's fever luckily has come down and AG who caught it right after AL is still on recovery mode with low grade fever. They still have to learn the whole blow your nose and spitting. Luckily last week of the month is not as crazy as the firt 2 weeks of the month at work. I think this whole change in weather patterns, hot and cold days alternating with rains is causing this. This is the first time since we got back from India almost 5 months since they have had to stay home - other small issues they recovered over the weekend to go to daycare regularly.

Saw that movie Tere Naal Ishq hogaya or some such Punju titled Ritesh and Genelia starrer was lousy - its like they just made it cos they were to be married. Eeks!

Bummed to here P's Uncle is admitted to hospital although the infection is coming down or so they say, hope he feels better and the immediate family gets more peace of mind.